
在App Store 上的「Boxcryptor」

評分 3.3 (3) · 免費 · iOS Secure your files in the cloud the easy way and save your privacy. And the best: It's for free! With Boxcryptor, you encrypt your files before uploading them t ...

What Should I Do About Boxcryptor?

Boxcryptor will continue to work for those who already use it, but it's unclear for how long and with what file sharing services. · No new ...


評分 3.8 (6,089) · 免費 · Android With Boxcryptor, you can encrypt your files before uploading them to Dropbox, Google Drive, Microsoft OneDrive and many other providers without sacrificing ...

Cryptomator vs Boxcryptor in 2025 [Cloud Data Encryption]

Regardless, we've got to pick a winner, and for most people, Boxcryptor is easily the better product. Although Cryptomator is a solid ...

Boxcryptor Review

評分 4.6 · Jacob Roach · Boxcryptor Free vs Paid. Boxcryptor's free plan is excellent, even exceeding the free offering from Cryptomator (read our Cryptomator review).


Today, we'll review an incredibly easy-to-use encryption software called BoxCryptor. Note from Editor – 11/29/2022: BoxCryptor solved a ...

Is Boxcryptor trustworthy ? : rprivacytoolsIO

Boxcryptor is great. Yes, it is not open source but this doesn't mean that the company has done anything to make its users suspicious. They've ...

BoxCryptor 2.55.2774 - Download, Review, Screenshots

評分 3.1 (27) Easy to work with. Once everything is set up, encrypting the data is a cinch because all you have to do to secure it is to drop it on the BoxCryptor drive.

Boxcryptor encryption tool review

評分 4.0 · Michael Bizzaco · Boxcryptor makes it easy to encrypt and share files and entire folders of content across a myriad of cloud storage platforms.

Read Customer Service Reviews of boxcryptor.com

評分 1.9 (12) How many stars would you give Boxcryptor? Join the 12 people who've already contributed. Your experience matters.


評分3.3(3)·免費·iOSSecureyourfilesinthecloudtheeasywayandsaveyourprivacy.Andthebest:It'sforfree!WithBoxcryptor,youencryptyourfilesbeforeuploadingthemt ...,Boxcryptorwillcontinuetoworkforthosewhoalreadyuseit,butit'sunclearforhowlongandwithwhatfilesharingservices.·Nonew ...,評分3.8(6,089)·免費·AndroidWithBoxcryptor,youcanencryptyourfilesbeforeuploadingthemtoDropbox,GoogleDrive,MicrosoftOneDrivea...